Ottawa City Councillor Glen Gower's Transit Challenge; Day 1 | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

Glen Gower's picture
Stittsville, Ontario
About the author

Glen Gower was elected as City Councillor for Stittsville in 2018.

Volunteering and public service has been an important part of Glen’s life for as long as he can remember, and continues to be a focus in his role as city councillor for Stittsville.

Twice nominated for the Roger Griffiths Memorial Citizen of the Year, he has served in a leadership role for several community associations and boards including the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre (WOCRC), Heritage Ottawa, the Stittsville Village Association, and the Fairwinds-Poole Creek Community Association. All of these organizations are focused on building healthy, vibrant communities and improving the quality of life for residents.

In 2014, he founded the blog, with a goal to get readers more informed, interested and engaged in their community. This community journalism project is one of several local news and information web sites that he has launched, including and

Professionally, Glen has had a successful career in marketing and communications including roles with the Ottawa 67’s and Ottawa Senators. Most recently, he was the director of Marketing and Communications with Iceberg Networks, an Ottawa-based company providing management consulting and professional services in governance, risk management & compliance.

Glen was raised in Nepean, attended Merivale High School, and later Carleton University, where he earned his Bachelor of Journalism degree. Since 2009, Glen has been a proud resident of Stittsville, where he lives with his wife and two daughters.

He challenges all residents to get involved in community activities: flood your local rink; join a school council; fundraise for a cause you care about. Keep making a positive difference in your neighbourhood!

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Ottawa City Councillor Glen Gower's Transit Challenge; Day 1

February 5, 2019

I'm trying to commute by bus every day this month.

Today is the first day and it's a cold one. - 20C and -30 windchill. I'm heading to the GRC on Route 62 to begin a busy day of ward meetings. I'll be meeting my team there and we'll be carpooling to a series of meetings in the ward. Watch for a video blog each weekday during Februrary, and some tweets during my commute at @glengower