Mulcair releases plan to build the Canada of our dreams | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

Sean Devine's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Sean Devine is seeking the nomination to represent the NDP in the newly created riding of Nepean. Sean has a proven track record as a leader in the Canadian cultural sector. An executive administrator, artist and activist for the past two decades, Sean believes that community engagement leads to positive social change. Entrepreneurial and innovative, Sean will bring a fresh perspective to the issues facing our community today.

Please visit my website to learn more about me and the NDP platform:




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Mulcair releases plan to build the Canada of our dreams

October 9, 2015

The NDP released our platform today. We are promising to expand healthcare, create affordable childcare, and kick-start the economy.

This letter is authorized by Sean Devine.

Today, NDP Leader Tom Mulcair released the NDP election platform, outlining his ambitious plan to work with Canadians and build the Canada of our dreams. The comprehensive document included commitments to kick-start the economy and create jobs, support and expand Canada’s health care system, and take action on climate change.

“This election is about who will stand up for health care, jobs and the environment and who can be trusted to fight for what matters most to middle-class families,” said Mulcair. “After decades of switching between Liberal and Conservative scandals, my focus is on replacing Stephen Harper and working with Canadians to build the Canada of our dreams.”

The NDP’s plan to help Canadian families get ahead includes help for parents with affordable childcare, support for small businesses, the expansion of Canada’s health care system, and more opportunities for young people. The NDP platform also outlined Mulcair’s plan to address climate change and bolster Canada’s manufacturing and auto sectors.

“While Justin Trudeau has signed on with Stephen Harper’s TPP, which will mean lower wages, higher costs for life-saving medications and tens of thousands of Canadians being thrown out of work, my plan will create jobs and introduce a national affordable prescription drug plan,” said Mulcair. “Stephen Harper failed to get the best deal for Canada and Justin Trudeau is ready to go along with him, as he did with C-51 and the Keystone pipeline.”

Canadians are ready for change and the NDP is ready to make parliament work for them. With just 35 more MPs, Tom Mulcair and the NDP will defeat and replace Stephen Harper’s Conservatives.