Mitt Romney Impeachment Letter: 'I swore an Oath" | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Mitt Romney Impeachment Letter: 'I swore an Oath"

February 6, 2020

Senator Mitt Romney published a letter to his Republican colleagues explaining his vote to convict President Donald Trump

"As a Senator-juror, I swore an oath, before God, to exercise 'impartial justice.' I am a profoundly religious person. I take an oath before God as enormously consequential. I knew from the outset that being tasked with judging the President, the leader of my own party, would be the most difficult decision I have ever faced. I was not wrong.

Corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and disruptive violation of one's oath of office that I can imagine.

I am aware that there are people in my party and in my state who will strenuously disapprove of my decision, and in some quarters., I will be vehemently denounced. Does anyone seriously believe I would consent to these consequences other than from an inescapable conviction that my oath before God demanded it of me?

As it is with each senator, my vote is an act of conviction. We have come to different conclusions, fellow senators, but I trust we all have followed the dictates of our conscience"