Guelph a battle between Green and Red | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

David de Weerdt's picture
Guelph, Ontario
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Tech company founder and executive, Canadian democracy activist. Guelph initiator of opposition to Bill C-51, freedom of expression campaigner with "Harperman" coast to coast sing-along.

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Guelph a battle between Green and Red

October 16, 2015

I am sharing this letter to the editor of the Guelph Tribune from my friend Vera Dyck.

This letter is authorized by David De Weerdt.

Dear Editor of the Guelph Tribune,

This election is shaping up to be a Green/Red run-off in Guelph. Here in Guelph there is no reason to vote strategically. Harper was in KW on Monday - but didn’t bother coming here. Knocking on doors for Gord Miller for weeks now, we keep hearing even in formerly Conservative neighbourhoods that Kovach doesn’t have a chance. She’s a place-holder, and hers is not a campaign that expects to win.

David Suzuki recognizes that in Guelph, we have a unique situation, and he has publically endorsed Gord for us in Guelph. Guelph is not a swing riding that could go Blue - it's a progressive riding that could go Green. Mark Carny, former head of the Bank of Canada, now head of the Bank of England, called the environmental crisis THE economic issue of our times, stating that our response to it will make or break our economy.

No poll is indicating a Harper majority, and no other party will support a Harper minority. We will have NDP’s, Liberals, and Greens working together to bring change. I can’t miss the opportunity to have as our MP an internationally known government watchdog and scientist who has 15 years of experience holding government to account. Major parties would have leapt to have Gord run for them. His solid work under both Conservative and Liberal governments has demonstrated, year after year, that he is incorruptible. Recently, Liberal attack ads suggesting both Greens and NDP's are "Conservatives," have made feeble attempts to raise doubts about Gord’s integrity. If you read his annual reports on Ontario’s handling of environmental issues you would know we have been well served already by this dedicated, honest man.

Gord Miller offers a very different kind of leadership. When Mr. Longfield was asked about the attack ads, he indicated he didn't like such tactics, but that it's his team who makes these decisions. At this juncture in history, with the Paris climate talks coming up before the end of 2015, we need someone who truly leads, not follows. We need someone who charts a course based on what’s right to stand beside Elizabeth May, to tell the whole truth, and, even under pressure, to make the right choices. We need someone who challenges not just an administrative team, but other MP's, and the Prime Minister! We need someone who doesn't wait for Party Leader directives about how to speak or vote, but who scours legislation and identify its loopholes and expensive errors. This is just what Gord Miller has been doing for 15 years as Environmental Commissioner.

Guelph is progressive. Gord can win here. All we need to do is vote with our consciences and know that Elizabeth May and Gord Miller offer positive leadership based on science, integrity, and heart – and a call from the 7 generations to come.


Vera Dyck