The Crime Hump Chronicles: New Normals | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

space-coyote's picture
Smiths Falls, Ontario
About the author

Irony, satire and farce - these are a few of my favorite things.

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The Crime Hump Chronicles: New Normals

December 19, 2017

This is part nineteen of The Crime Hump Chronicles, the creative non-fiction narrative of quantum events. More info, including a list of my charges can be found here,

It’s a normal day for me. Wake, feed and dress my kids for school and then head out the door for another court appearance, my nineteenth appearance since I started writing about it. You would think by now that there would be progress in the case. That surely the end must be drawing near. These are my thoughts anyways.

I get to the court house and wait for my lawyer. He shows up just a little while after me. We chat a bit before going to court room one. Two very good friends of mine accompany me. Carol Anne Knapp is one of them as usual. She engages my lawyer in a very good discussion. Some names are dropped and some plans are made. He tells her who we need to petition and how. The judge comes in and speaks to some other matters first. Then my lawyer, the Crown and the Judge meet for my pre-trial and court is in recess.

I small talk with my friends but have a hard time staying focussed. Thirty agonizing minutes pass by before my lawyer comes out. He says that the Crown has changed their position. He tells me they are offering yet another plea deal and that the matter is being adjourned until Jan. 31, 2018, for another judicial pre-trial, my third. I am in exactly the same position now, as I was this time last year and I don’t intend to do things any different. I go find some free Wi-Fi and begin my blog.

I have two other court dates this week but in civil court. I will be required to attend in person. I swore an affidavit in support of a discontinuance of a multi-million-dollar class-action lawsuit against myself. The class action suit should be certified this week. I have been working with the plaintiff’s lawyer for the last two months. I want to help in any I can, even though I am one of the defendants right now. These people deserve the truth. The plaintiff’s lawyer goes to the media with my consent (and encouragement.) The Recorder and Times, a newspaper in the city of Brockville, publishes a lot of the information from my affidavit. The truth is beginning to trickle out.

Kelley Denham