Smiths Falls: Small Town, Big Waves | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

space-coyote's picture
Smiths Falls, Ontario
About the author

Irony, satire and farce - these are a few of my favorite things.

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Smiths Falls: Small Town, Big Waves

January 22, 2018

Smiths Falls, that small town in Ontario that’s been making some big waves. That small town known for sports heroes Brooke Henderson and Bailey Andison. Also, the town where freed Haqqani Network hostage Joshua Boyle made his return and where his parents still reside. Also making headlines are accused criminals, like Blair Cathcart, school teacher charged with sexually assaulting his students, and even an accused hacker (me) whose alleged post in the town’s local swap shop prompted a $75-million-dollar class-action lawsuit that was recently certified.

What is it about Smiths Falls that is pumping out all this good and bad press? What exactly is in the water (though locals will laugh at that question and say “Blinky”). I wish I could tell you. I wish I could put my finger on what exactly makes Smiths Falls’ residents so unique. We don’t have the arts and culture scene like the neighboring small town of Perth. But our mayor is never caught with his “negligence” hanging out like another neighboring town, Carleton Place. We’re not quiet and quaint like Almonte but also not booming in growth like Kemptville.

Whatever it is making our residents newsworthy, it is clear that the people of Smiths Falls are making an impact. Whether you rise, or rise up “at the falls” know that we each have a unique power in us all. We can use it for good or we can use it for bad, but never underestimate the potential in each of us.  

Kelley Denham