Finding Your Inner Child | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

Hammondguy51's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
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Employee benefits consultant/insurance guru, VP of the Ottawa Network, positive thinker, father, musician and proud citizen of our understated but great nation of Canada

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Finding Your Inner Child

February 20, 2015

Whenever I have an interaction with a child I am amazed at their lack of inhibition and there creativity. They also seem to have a knack for asking great questions. This is my take on how we should strive to bring back some of the great quailities we had when we were kids. I try to apply my inner child to both my business and my life. 


I have been living on this planet for many decades now, but when my wife says that every now and then the boy in me comes out I am not the least bit insulted. Kids are amazing they have very few hang-ups, for the most part they have vivid imaginations and they ask many and direct questions. These are qualities that would serve many of us in business quite well. Along the way business and social pressures either destroy or suppress our inner child. I feel very strongly that we should encourage adults to dream and imagine big ideas. Asking thoughtful and direct questions and then shutting our mouths and listening actively would serve us all well in business and life.

So how do I maintain and demonstrate my inner boy. I embrace both the little and big events that take place in my life. As you might by now my passion outside of business is both playing and listening to music. Apparently I am told that when I play either my guitar or keyboard on stage I have a huge grin on my face like the cat who swallowed the canary. I go to a different place when I listen to music it soothes my savage beast and either relaxes me or gets my engine revving. The same thing happens when I work through a problem with a client that improves their business and life I feel joy and a sense of well-being. Now what works for me may not be the right avenue for you. What I suggest is find something that inspires you, and opens up your mind and heart. Think back to the time when you were a kid and what made you happy at that time of your life. We all have those moments when we feel silly embrace them they are just your inner child trying to come out. Spend some time observing and interacting with little kids you might learn something about yourself and you might even be amazed at the skill sets children have even at an early age.