Removing century-old bridge among options feds considering to fix Kingston causeway closure | Unpublished

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Source Feed: CBC News - Ottawa
Publication Date: May 10, 2024 - 10:51

Removing century-old bridge among options feds considering to fix Kingston causeway closure

May 10, 2024
Cruise companies and other businesses have been pushing Public Services and Procurement Canada for a solution in time to save the tourism season and have even appealed to the Prime Minister, but say all options being presented would take too long.

Unpublished Newswire

Minutes before it was time to ask his historic question in the Ontario legislature, NDP MPP Sol Mamakwa panicked and changed his mind about going first – quietly walking over to his party leader and house leader and looking into whether he could go second instead.But he was told it was his day and he had to take the lead question, Mr. Mamakwa wrote in a social media post, with a photo that captured the moment last Tuesday. He gathered his strength and, in his Indigenous Anishiniimowin (Oji-Cree) language, delivered a speech that marked the first time a language other than English or...
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Huge crowds descended on the downtown core on Sunday, packing 4th Street for the 33rd annual Lilac Festival. Organisers say it's the biggest one day festival in Western Canada.
June 2, 2024 - 21:48 | Craig Momney | Global News - Canada
The final debate of the Alberta New Democratic Party leadership race saw the remaining four candidates give their last appeals for support, a day ahead of the start of voting to choose the successor of political heavyweight Rachel Notley.Nearly 85,150 party members are eligible to vote beginning Monday for the new leader, who will be named on June 22. Leadership candidates signed up tens of thousands of new members by the April deadline bringing the tally to a historic high for the 62-year-old party. Ms. Notley received just 2,512 votes when she took the helm of the NDP in 2014.
June 2, 2024 - 21:17 | Alanna Smith | The Globe and Mail